Legacy TDM v/s IPV6 – How can one easily switch between the two?

How can one easily switch between the two

Time-division multiplexing (TDM) is a method of transmitting and receiving independent signals over a common signal path by means of synchronized switches at each end of the transmission line so that each signal appears on the line only a fraction of time in an alternating pattern. It is used when the bit rate of the transmission medium exceeds that of the signal to be transmitted. This form of signal multiplexing was developed in telecommunications for telegraphy systems in the late 19th century, but found its most common application in digital telephony in the second half of the 20th century.


Time-division multiplexing is used primarily for digital signals, but may be applied in analog multiplexing in which two or more signals or bit streams are transferred appearing simultaneously as sub-channels in one communication channel, but are physically taking turns on the channel. The time domain is divided into several recurrent time slots of fixed length, one for each sub-channel. A sample byte or data block of sub-channel 1 is transmitted during time slot 1, sub-channel 2 during time slot 2, etc. One TDM frame consists of one time slot per sub-channel plus a synchronization channel and sometimes error correction channel before the synchronization. After the last sub-channel, error correction, and synchronization, the cycle starts all over again with a new frame, starting with the second sample, byte or data block from sub-channel 1, etc.


Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol (IP), the communications protocol that provides an identification and location system for computers on networks and routes traffic across the Internet.  IPv6 was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to deal with the long-anticipated problem of IPv4 address exhaustion. Every device on the Internet is assigned a unique IP address for identification and location definition.


IPv6 provides other technical benefits in addition to a larger addressing space. In particular, it permits hierarchical address allocation methods that facilitate route aggregation across the Internet, and thus limit the expansion of routing tables. The use of multicast addressing is expanded and simplified, and provides additional optimization for the delivery of services. Device mobility, security, and configuration aspects have been considered in the design of the protocol.


In addition to offering more addresses, IPv6 also implements features not present in IPv4. It simplifies aspects of address assignment (stateless address auto configuration), network renumbering, and router announcements when changing network connectivity providers. It simplifies processing of packets in routers by placing the responsibility for packet fragmentation into the end points. The IPv6 subnet size is standardized by fixing the size of the host identifier portion of an address to 64 bits to facilitate an automatic mechanism for forming the host identifier from link layer addressing information (MAC address). Network security was a design requirement of the IPv6 architecture, and included the original specification of IPsec.


Conceptually, when applying a layered functional approach, the network is dissolved into horizontal slices, one for each functional area. Note that these slices also comprise functionality in customer premises equipment/networks.


Layering opens up for stratification. Stratification means that different technologies with almost the same function in the network can be layered on top of each other.


Stratification is commonly used in networks employing ATM in the packet backbone, for transport of TDM, IP and frame relay network services. In fact one network makes up the infrastructure for one or more other networks. Stratification helps to ease the maneuvering of both network parties even though both network elements are of different packets.


In recent times, the use of legacy TDM is becoming stale due to cost, complexity, technical know-how, rigidity and immobility amongst others. Why use a system that cost so much and is technically complex when you can easily switch to an IPv6 that provides better services, it is very mobile and radically easy to maintain.


The ELCOM’s IP-PBX solution profounder of ip@Core®is a soft switch application with built-in legacy network.  There are times when one cannot do away completely with the legacy network, but also requires modern IP technology.  ELCOM’ IP-PBX, ip@Core®is just the right answer.  It supports all legacy interfaces including GSM, and easily supports modern IP network.  So, whether you want to use a legacy TDM network or the modern IP network, think ELCOM, think ip@Core®.

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How IP Solutions can fulfill SMART City Communication needs

4th Oct blog

The world population is continuously growing and reached a significant evolution of the society, where the number of people living in cities has surpassed the number of people in rural areas. This puts national and local governments under pressure because the limited resources, such as water, electricity, and transports, must thus be optimized to cover the needs of the citizens. Therefore, different tools, from sensors to processes, service, and artificial intelligence, are used to coordinate the usage of infrastructures and assets of the cities to build the so called smart cities. Different definitions and theoretical models of smart cities are given in literature. However, smart city can usually be modelled by a layered architecture, where communication and networking layer plays a central role. In fact, smart city applications lay on collecting field data from different infrastructures and assets, processing these data, taking some intelligent control actions, and sharing information in a secure way. Thus, a two way reliable communications layer is the basis of smart cities.

Network video solutions

IP solutions have become basic communication tools for effective next generation networking. Image transfer, video calling, video conferencing, mobility and interface to next generation telecom networks amongst others have been prime use of IP solutions in the present world. Imagine a world where as a cooperate body, all meetings can be held at the comfort of your office via video conferencing. You literally eliminate expenses tallied with making appointments be it travelling, accommodation…Moreover, this part of IP solution has no bounds as regards applications. Many other applications of video conferencing and transmitting are made use of in various industries, for example, in manufacturing industries where high temperature is dealt with or toxic gases or high level of radiation, it becomes difficult for humans to monitor such activities going on, this problem is easily solved by the use of video transmitting devices. Where the output can be easily monitored at a control room free from all form of toxicants and hazards.



Surveillance is the monitoring of behavior, activities, or other changing information for the purpose of influencing, managing, directing, or protecting people. This can include observation from a distance by means of electronic equipment (such as closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras) or interception of electronically transmitted information (such as Internet traffic or phone calls).

The emergence of a smart city has led to the increased use of surveillance system basically for intelligence gathering, prevention of crime, the protection of a process, person, group or object, or the investigation of crime.


There are various types of IP cameras that capture and transmit images and recordings over the internet to a directed control station, which require IP solutions that support such transmission. This is basically a major tool in security systems in all smart cities, and there are other utilities attached to these IP cameras such as, face recognition, GPS systems, weapon detection systems and other ground breaking innovations.


Communication becomes easier and efficient with IP solutions, not to mention cheaper too. It is of great benefit for any emerging smart city to subscribe to the use of IP solutions for its communication and networking systems.


In addition to the above, it is also important to understand that there are a lot of ground/field staff who handle basic services and support functions.   These may be civic authorities, personnel from utility companies, police, quick response team etc.  These personnel use various types of communication like PSTN, GSM, CDMA, Radio (WalkiTalki) and also IP. It is essential to ensure that all of these can be connected through one communication platform, so that in the event of emergency, communication can take place seamlessly.  At ELCOM Innovations, we have solutions that allow complete connectivity of all types of interfaces.  Calls made on radios can be received by a GSM handset, transferred to an IP soft client, a multi-party conference call initiated with all interfaces, the options are endless.  Come talk to us and feel the difference.

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5 Reasons Why You Need To Get Rid Of Legacy Systems

While being consistent is a good attribute for an organization, this principle doesn’t work with legacy systems as it could be bad for your organization. It could impede growth and affect productivity.


Effective communication is essential for the success of any business. Therefore, all organizations must ensure that all of their systems offer services that are relevant to customers in all senses. This is, however, difficult to achieve if the systems in place are obsolete and not up to date with modern technology. The difficult question that all organizations are faced with is, if to keep on using the existing systems or to purchase recent systems so as to improve the effectiveness of carrying out business operations?


The truth is that, most of the times you are better off with new systems. Thanks to factors like cloud computing, increasing costs, and changing end-user demands, many organizations are switching to the use of new systems. Here are some reasons why you also need to consider getting rid of legacy systems.


2 nd october (2)


Maintenance can be costly
As systems get old, the cost of maintaining them can be too expensive. Even if your organization makes use of systems which are maintained by vendors, maintaining them will most likely cost too much. In many cases, Vendors increase the amount they charge on helping you to keep your systems in top condition as the systems age. Also, knowledge of the operation of such systems fade out with time and you may find yourself stuck with a problem, which might cause too much to get experts to resolve.
Simply put, as support expires and warranties end, costs increases, causing another expense in maintaining a legacy application.


Legacy systems are inflexible and immobile
More often than not, legacy systems do not offer flexibility. Most apps that work on this type of system are built around proprietary, single tools that have a specific programming language, operations, and management tools. Today, applications are designed in such a way that IT personnel can be pretty handy in numerous applications. Many applications have common tools and are programmed with similar languages, hence flexible. Legacy systems just don’t fit into this modern world.

The world is continuously developing mobile solutions in all fields. Mobile devices have transformed organizational computing. Although legacy applications can roughly be integrated on a mobile device with the use of technologies like VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure), it is difficult to do the same with large screens, keyboards, and mice. Besides, you don’t need to go through the stress of trying to make a legacy application functional on new mobile devices. Instead, you can easily deploy a more modern application.


The infrastructures are too complex and expensive
Obviously, old apps, in general, would require an environment that is technically old, to accommodate old operating systems, unique hardware, libraries, databases, etc. The same way that maintaining applications become increasingly expensive as they get older, the underlying legacy infrastructures also grow more expensive. However, modern applications don’t have this type of problem because they are cloud-based and designed to operate on a virtual network.

Also, most of the legacy applications were developed with the objective of serving huge businesses. Then, applications like ERP and CRM were the king when it comes to solving large business problems, they offered integration extensively and are preferred to the other tedious alternative of integration through several custom code. With new technologies like standardized APIs and service buses, integration of smaller applications is comparatively much easier. Hence, you can buy only what you need and quickly integrate it, rather than some complex legacy systems.


Cloud-based technologies are way cheaper
Many sectors that were once controlled by complex and costly legacy apps have now been totally revolutionized by cloud computing. An example is the customer relationship management (CRM) space through which companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data, and also build strong relationships with customers. With CRM, companies are able to offer credit card solutions. It also reduces the huge expenses spent on the balance sheet for management and eliminates the need for hiring consultants to help you out.


IT specialists retiring
Many companies working with a lot of legacy applications don’t have documentation. Rather, their operations are solely supported by experienced staff, which is a bad practice. IT workers are retiring and professionals who are younger are being inducted to the industry. The modern professionals are most likely not trained with old computer languages, which puts the whole operation of the organization in trouble. Since the knowledge of legacy apps is going to leave your company at some point, it is to your benefit to get rid of legacy systems as soon as possible.


Transitioning to new-age technology
Over the years, there has been development in technology and business itself. All the processes involved in the development, marketing, distribution and sales of products have evolved. Many companies are abandoning complex legacy systems and adopting modern ways. In fact, legacy phone systems are slowly getting obsolete, which makes the switch to IP necessary. As time flies by, getting spare parts of the obsolete system will become increasingly difficult, if not impossible. New VoIP systems are cost saving, more advanced and easy to use. All of the reasons mentioned above are the driving force behind the need to get rid of legacy systems.


At ELCOM Innovations, we offer telecommunication solutions that makes it easy to migrate from legacy systems to current and new age IP based infrastructure. Come talk to us and feel the difference.

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Why is effective communication essential for any business?

Communicating effectively is essential in any business. It plays an important role and it is, In fact, the backbone of the success of every business. A modern means of ensuring the effectiveness of communication in a business enterprise is VoIP phone system. In simple terms, it involves the conversion of audio signals (voices) into a digital signal which is then transmitted over the Internet to the receiver.

28th sept

Voice communication has proven to be advantageous to the world of business. Aside from the fact that it is a financially smart option, the quality of voice communication is relatively higher. Also, in a business, there are countless alternatives for viably overseeing the process of communication, which are not accessible in conventional systems.


You can easily set up a VoIP phone system for your business. Once you have a reliable and fast web connection, you will be able to run a functional and smooth communication network. Since this is devoid of any physical cable system, the effectiveness of the communication system totally depends on digitization framework, data transfer, software, and hardware quality. With this, communication is almost free of technical errors.


Also, there are add-ons which improve user experiences, for example, voice over email messages, customized guest ID, faxing, call sending, call holding, call screening, call blocking and more. In addition, the VoIP system for business allows effective communication with its simple design and low costs of installation.

In comparison to traditional systems, the business VoIP system is an effective way of saving on expenses. When installed properly, the system guarantees improved productivity, profitability, and a streamlined working environment. You can set up an auto attendant and voicemail services to help manage multiple calls at the same time.

You can also record a welcome greeting for inbound calls. If your business is not large enough to hire an operator, the VoIP communication system can help you record a voice message, which you can listen to later and take necessary steps. In addition to the automated uses mentioned, you can also subscribe to a service of virtual secretary, which handles your incoming calls. All of these contribute to the effectiveness of communication of your business, which is essential to help you keep your customers for improved sales.


In the present economy, the world of business is very competitive. Every organization and business owners are trying to stay in the game, capitalizing on the dynamism of the wants of consumers. This is why you need to make yourself available to your existing and potential customers, even after the working hours. An effective communication system makes this possible through the vast features available for you to explore, such as customer’s menus, fax to email, call waiting, call conferencing, and others.



In conclusion, all parts of the VoIP system are portable. There is absolutely no need for you to add unnecessary weight to your business with heavy hardware. The components are easy to move between offices and can easily be adjusted for a mobile workforce. With an effective communication system, your business can have a virtual presence in any area, which is essential for the success of the business.

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How to Choose the Right VoIP Phone Service Provider?

Voice over Internet Protocol



VoIP means Voice over Internet Protocol. It is a service that uses the digital network to transmit voice. In basic terms, it uses high-quality internet connection for improved telecommunication services. As opposed to the traditional phone network, calls via VoIP are routed to the internet instead of over telephone lines.

VoIP networks merge voice and internet services, then enable the communication between individual network devices by signaling. The components of the network interact with one another by sharing datagram messages. Two endpoints must be kept opened to complete a call session.

Users can make and receive calls using different types of VoIP phones and console. But how do you know which service provider is right for you? There are some things you need to factor in while making a decision on the VoIP Phone system provider that is best for you.

Voice over Internet Protocol

Why VoIP Phone Service?

The most common reason people have to switch to a VoIP service is saving money on the bill over traditional phone services. However, before signing up for a VoIP service, try to do an appropriate comparison. Check your current phone bill and understand all the charges that come with the new VoIP service you are planning to pay for.

Also, ensure you have a full understanding of your calling patterns relative to your spending. This will enlighten you on the extent to which the potential VoIP plan saves you money or cost you more.

Check for Other Options

There are numerous VoIP service providers and equipment out there. Over time, they are rated in descending order of quality as cable company VoIP, hardware-VoIP systems and software only VoIP plans. As a result of the poor performance of the software based VoIP plan, most users go for a hardware plan.

Some free VoIP providers even advise their subscribers to get ATA adapters for improved stem performance. Besides, you can’t select a hardware prior to having a service provider. So, conduct research on the different providers out there.

Test the Quality of Your Internet Service

This is very important. The effectiveness of whatever plan you choose is completely dependent on the strength of your internet connection. Before subscribing, make sure you run the test on the corporate website of the VoIP service providers. If you have a weak signal, then you might need to get a booster to make the VoIP plan function properly.

Understand Every Part of the Provider’s Contract before Signing Up

Before signing up, read every part of the contract. Check to see that you are comfortable with the terms and conditions. Some of them may have additional fees or obligations that you may not be comfortable with.

Check for things like activation fees, port fees, call time included, long distance rates, shipping and handling fees, deactivation fees, and others. There is absolutely no need for you to rush. Take your time and consider different offers before signing up.


With VoIP phone service, you can save a fortune over traditional phone service, especially if you make a lot of international calls. Read reviews and be vigilant so you won’t get stuck with the wrong plan.

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Media Report

Offering Superior Technology
9 – Feb – 2014

ELCOM Group is emerging as a significant player in strategic electronics, avionics and tactical communication globally. It promises to deliver best in class product and services, enhanced by extensive in-house research and development capabilities, ability to work with globally…

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